Tuesday, November 18, 2014







            My father helps me academically.

He helps me academically by giving me advice when I need it. Also by encouraging me to get good grades and graduate high school. The elementary school that I attended was vine St.  Elementary school. The streets it is located on are vine and Barton. This elementary school is located around the Hollywood area. It was a very good school, I loved going it was a lot of fun. The middle school I attended was Bancroft middle school. This junior high is located on Las Palmas and is in the Los Angeles are. Sadly I was not able to stay there the three years I was supposed to. I attended there my 6th grade year and half of my 7th grade year. For the other half of my 7th grade year and for my 8th grade year I was homeschooled. My favorite subject is biology. I like biology because I find it interesting how things inside and outside of the body work. Although I failed first semester I still enjoy the subject. The subject itself wasn’t hard what was hard was the teacher. I had mr.

Shake sphere, which he is pretty much the hardest teacher so hardly anyone passes that class.

                                  I would say that an influential teacher is one that is able to handle many kids and still keep everything under control in the class room. What I’ve learned throughout these years is to never procrastinate because you will forget what you have to do and never get it done. In the future I see myself in medical school, graduating from medical school, or having something with the medical field. I describe myself as a student that is willing to try their best to achieve what they desire. Moreover I am a student that completes their work. I do not play any sports because they minimize my time for homework and I am also currently taking adult school. I am thought in a program that will help me go to college. This program encourages me a lot to do well in school. 

                    I learned to speak English around the ages of 1 or 3 years old. I learned to read English at the age of 5 which was when I entered pre-kindergarten. I honestly do not remember what grades I received in junior high because there was a lot going on in my life at that moment. My main goal in this class is to learn the material and to pass with an A or B grade. Another goal for me is to learn new material that can become useful to me in life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Essay Promt

                            I think that we should boycott advertisements because just because some celebrity says that they use the product does not mean that it is guaranteed satisfaction. For instance the people that own the jaguar sport cars use David Beckham to promote their car but it does not necessarily guarantee that the car is really as great as they are persuading us into believing. They are just trying to fool us by using the famous football player David Beckham. Jozui is arguing that advertisers make us believe that celebrities use products or consume products to persuade us into buying them. She is suggesting that we should boycott this type of advertising. I agree with Jozui, the product may not even be good at all but because a celebrity gives a testimony we fall for the advertising and buy the product. The product can also be harmful without you even knowing it, but you trust the product because a celebrity has approved it. For example Coca-Cola is very harmful it is known to increase the risk for cancer, dehydration, bone damage, and many other medical conditions. But people ignore that fact because of the famous person advertising it.   

                 In this article it says “a tennis pro gets stamina from brand x cereal”. This might not even be true but because they are showing us that a celebrity uses it we believe that it is true. This might as well be false advertising. This is another reason why we should boycott to not be fooled anymore by these advertisers. We should boycott to help others too, if we start boycotting then other people will notice and they will also no longer be fooled. We see famous people advertising anything like food, cars, and even toothpaste. So by this we know that famous people would advertise anything for a little extra money. But honestly I can’t blame them, but that is why we should boycott to not let them do these advertisements.

               We should all tell our friends and family the reasons why we want to boycott so maybe they will join. Soon if we boycott, these advertisements may start to fade. Almost every famous advertisement has a famous person in them. They use the famous person just to catch our attention and persuade us.

MLA Citation


                                                    MLA Citation



                     Latino Voices is a book about writing’s by Latino authors. The book includes writers like Sandra Cisneros, Luis Rodriguez, Victor Hernandez Cruz and Piri Thomas. These writers are born in the United States and some are immigrants from El Salvador, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico and other Latino countries .This book contains fiction, nonfiction and poetry. The writers speak on the struggle of being a Latino and an American. They speak on racial issues, the American dreams and the division of ethnicity. Other topics are also the increase of poverty and aids, love, hope, family relationships and death. This book contains fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Latinos, Latinas and Hispanics make up a diverse cultural group in the United States.  The Census in 1990 counted more than 22 million Latinos. Latinos are not a race but they are a mixture of European, African, and Indian. They are blue eyed, blond and of German, Russian, French, and English ancestry. Although Latinos are classified as Hispanics by the government many of them don’t think of themselves as Hispanics they identify themselves from their national groups, groups such as Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Chileans, and other. Latinos speak Spanish but there are different versions. Latinos are from diverse religion, they are catholic, Christians, Jewish and Muslims.  In my opinion there is a struggle in being a Latino. We as Latinos do not see many other Latinos being politically involved, being doctors or millionaires/billionaires. In Miss Representation a woman said “we are what we can see”. So by this it means that if we can see someone being something then we become inspired and we will become. So out there in the world there are not many successful Latinos so we as Latinos cannot become inspired.

                     Many Latino communities are stereotyped; they are seen as communities that have violence, abusive of drugs and welfare.  The culture of Latinos cannot be ignored. They cannot be ignored because of the food, language, murals, religious iconography and music. These things have traveled out of their communities and into the rest of the U.S. But there are not only those Latinos there are also Latinos that live in the suburbs these are the upper and middle classed Latino families. These are the ones that represent the American Dream. These Latinos are supposed to live in the “ideal” communities but they are often faced with racial segregation, negative stereotypes and prejudice. So by this Latinos are often isolated or they lose their ethnic identity. Latino men are often seen as the ones that have the most power in the household. Women as seen as the caregivers they stay at home to take care of their children, household and to take care of their husbands. But the American Society has changed everything, women now want an education. I think is how it should Ove been since the beginning but it is good that they realized that it was time from them to get an education.

                    Unfortunately it seems that Latinos do not see the importance to talk about the infection of HIV and AIDS. Most Latinos know someone who is infected with HIV. Latinos that are HIV positive are faced with double prejudice by the public. This has led to Latinos rethinking what they feel about gays, prostitutes and drug addicts. Latinos are stereotyped as lazy or unambitious. But Mexican, Mexican Americans and Central Americans have had a great contribution to the economy of the United States. Latinos have done labor jobs than Americans refuse to do. Families that work in fields have moved from to state to state each season to work for fruit and vegetable growers. This has affected their child’s education but this is the work cycle that gives them food.

              Latino immigrants often speak Spanish only, but their children learn English at school. The second and third generation Latinos often speaks English only. However most Latinos are also bilingual they speak Spanish and English. Many Latino and Latina writers have blended the two languages and have created “Spanglish”. But throughout the country some schools have adapted an “English only” environment. By this we see another form of racial segregation because they are saying Spanish is not allowed and that is not right. I think that my generation of Latinos and the future generation of Latinos will help not to stop but to reduce the racial segregation. We will be able to do this by becoming more politically involved and become more successful.

Aparicio, Frances. Latino Voices Brookfield, Connecticut: The Millbrook, 9-21-14.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"what is an American?"

                                                          “What is an American?”


                     An American is one that comes to America and lives like an American. Even if they came from another state they are still an American. You are an American if you live like an American. “He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds”.  Americans are ones of different races. “Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and prosperity will one day cause great changes in the world”. People from all over the world can be an American they just have they have to embrace the American culture. You do not have to be a specific race to be an American.

                An American is one that is free. We are free because we have the freedom to vote. We can choose what goes on in our country. For example who can choose who our president will be or what proposition we accept and which one we don’t accept. An American is one that has rights. Like it says in the declaration of independence we have the right to alter or to abolish a government when it becomes destructive of these ends.

These ends are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. So we are our government or so how they make us believe.

                 An American is one that loves America and that is proud of this country. In America religion demands little of a man. There is diversity in religion. You are not expected to be a certain religion or to not be a certain religion. You are free to choose your religion. Whether you are catholic, Christian, it does not matter. You may not be accepted but you will have the right to be an American. An American is a new person that acts upon new principles.   You are not expected much of people when you are an American.

                      To sum things up being an American is being used to diversity. Americans are used to diversity because here in America there is a lot of diversity, there is diversity in religion and race. If you are an American then you are going to be treated equal. If you are an American you have the right to get an education and acquire the job that you desire. You will never be denied an education because of your ethnicity or your preference for religion. This will not happen because if you are an American you have rights.an American is one who is free.